Tuesday Plenary Panel
Theme: "Future DoD Automatic Test Systems Strategies"
Scheduled Time: Tuesday, September 16, 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Description: Senior civilian leadership from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force will participate in a DoD Panel Session to address future Automatic Test Systems Roadmaps and Strategies for each the Service. Since the DoD has had limited participation in this conference the past several years and there has been significant re-alignment of the Defense budgets in recent years, this is an opportunity to get updated on current planning as it relates to DoD’s Automatic Test Systems. Time will be scheduled for Q&A, so come prepared with your questions.
Bill Ross -- Panel Moderator
George Mitchell -- Army Representative
Chris Giggey -- Naval Aviation Representative
Mike Heilman -- Marine Corps Ground Representative
Jimmy Baily -- Air Force Representative
Wednesday Plenary Panel
Theme: "Nondestructive Testing for Aerospace Applications...Needs, Solutions, and Future”
Scheduled Time: Wednesday, September 17, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Description: Nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) is a diverse field of science and engineering impacting maintenance and long-term health monitoring of critical systems and structures. Space, aerospace, civil infrastructure, military hardware and many more such systems, require NDT&E on a periodic and rigorous basis. Consequently, NDT&E techniques must capable of addressing a plethora of wide-ranging problems and requirements. This “Panel Discussion” aims to introduce issues specifically related to Aerospace NDT&E, needs, possible solutions as well as the future of NDT&E for Aerospace applications and requirements, such as in-spece inspection needs. The invited panel members offer broad technical backgrounds and experiences in this field and will speak to several important aspects of these issues. Following a short presentation by each panel member, the remainder of the session will be devoted to discussions among the attendees and the panel members.
Presenter & Co-Organizer: Dr. Donald D. Palmer, Jr. – The Boeing Company
Presentation Title: Evolution of Composites in Aerospace: Implications for NDE
Donald D. Palmer, Jr. received his B.S. degree in physics and his M.S. degree in materials science and engineering from Iowa State University. He also received a doctorate in materials science and engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. In 1987, he joined McDonnell Douglas Corporation (later Boeing) as a nondestructive evaluation specialist, supporting both production and advanced aircraft programs. He has led research and development activities directed at both manufacturing and in-service support applications of NDE. These efforts led to a number of key technology advancements applied to composite structures and aging aircraft. Dr. Palmer was elected to the Boeing Technical Fellowship as an Associate Fellow in 2001 and Fellow in 2005. He currently leads a Boeing enterprise-wide team on advanced sensors for NDE applications. Dr. Palmer twice represented the aerospace industry on a NASA peer review committee and served at the request of the USAF on panels focused on reducing the inspection burden associated with aircraft maintenance and digitally enhanced NDE. Dr. Palmer holds five patents and has over 50 publications in technical journals and conference proceedings. He has served on the Research Council of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) and as Chairman of the St. Louis Section of ASNT. In 2010, he was elected a Fellow of ASNT.
Presenter & Co-Organizer: Dr. Reza Zoughi – Missouri University of Science & Technology (S&T)
Presentation Title: Evolution of Microwave & Millimeter Wave Imaging for Nondestructive Inspection
Reza Zoughi is the Schlumberger Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T), formerly University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR). Prior to joining Missouri S&T in January 2001 and since 1987 he was with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Colorado State University (CSU), where he was a professor and established the Applied Microwave Nondestructive Testing Laboratory (amntl). He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, from 2007 through 2011. He is serving as the society’s president and as an I&M Society Distinguished Lecturer. He is the author of a textbook entitled “Microwave Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation Principles” and the co-author of a chapter on Microwave Techniques in the book entitled “Nondestructive Evaluation: Theory, Techniques, and Applications”. He is the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Distinguished Service Award, the 2009 American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Research Award for Sustained Excellence and the 2011 IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement. He is the co-author of over 535 journal papers, conference proceedings and presentations and technical reports. He has thirteen patents to his credit all in the field of microwave nondestructive testing and evaluation. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
Presenter: Mr. Bradley Gilliland – General Electric Measurement & Control Solutions
Presentation Title: Digital Inspection for Nondestructive Testing Industry
Brad Gilliland is the Global Aerospace Key Account Manager for GE Measurement and Control Solutions and has held this position for 10 years. In this role he is responsible for working with Aerospace customers to provide solutions for nondestructive inspection challenges and to work with GE product development regarding emerging inspection challenges facing our aerospace customers. Mr. Gilliland has been in the nondestructive inspection field for over 30 years in various roles from research & development to sales. He is a Nondestructive Testing Technology graduate of Hutchinson Technical College in Minnesota and holds an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management.

Presenter: Mr. Ron Goodman – Boeing
Presentation Title: Automated Large Scale Production Inspection Systems
Ron Goodman has 35 years experience in the Non-destructive inspection/evaluation field. He joined McDonnell Douglas (later Boeing) as an Electrical Engineer in 1981. His early experiences included designing pulser/receiver hardware for ultrasonic inspection and control systems for automated X-ray inspection. Ron is currently a Technical Fellow with the Boeing Company in St. Louis Missouri. His contributions to the Boeing Automated Ultrasonic Scanning Systems (AUSS and Maus) marketed worldwide by Boeing have been mostly in the areas of robotics, control systems, high-speed data acquisition and High-Performance Computing (HPC). During the early years of the 787 program, Ron solved such problems as real-time path and shape compensation, necessary for precision scanning of large scale parts such as composite fuselages and thin-skin control surfaces. Ron accumulated several Boeing Trade Secret awards and a US patent for work in these areas and also for developing automatic surface mapping, laser compensated control systems, and high-speed multi-channel digitizing and acquisition systems. He is currently working on a proprietary database for very large array systems that acquire and signal process full waveform data. These systems have channel counts exceeding 256, and generate file sizes in the many hundreds of Gigabytes and require signal analysis being done in real-time. This product will be a key component supporting the data acquisition and presentation rates required by future laboratory and production inspection systems.
Invited Presenter: Dr. Glenn M. Light – Southwest Research Institute
Presentation Title: Aircraft Inspection and Monitoring on High Cycle Fatigue Components with Tear Down Validation
Over the last 36 years at SwRI, Dr. Light has been developing sensors, systems, and new techniques for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of materials and structures. He has applied this effort to metals, composites, and ceramics. His expertise includes ultrasonic inspection (UT) technology and transducer design, eddy current (ET) probe design, digital radiography, computed tomography, infrared thermography, and shearography. Dr. Light has successfully applied NDE methods in the field aircraft structure inspection, turbine discs, and nuclear and fossil power plants. This work included developing inspection technology for nuclear-plant fuel pins, pressure-vessel studs and bolts, pump shafts, anchor rods, and turbine disks For the Air Force, he has been developing the first retirement-for-cause (RFC) NDE system designed to inspect F-100 engine components. Dr. Light has been involved with the development of magnetostrictively guided wave monitoring technologies as applied to nuclear vessels and aircraft structure. Dr. Light is a past chairman of the ASNT Research Council and is presently the chair of the Technology and Education (T&E) Committee in ASNT. Dr. Light has presented and published over 160 papers on various NDE-related topics and been awarded fifteen patents in the field. He holds ASNT Level III Certification in ultrasonics and radiography.
Invited Presenter: Dr. Eric Lindgren - Air Force Research Laboratory
Presentation Title: Nondestructive Evaluation Instrumentation/Testing - An Air Force Research Laboratory Perspective
Dr. Lindgren is currently the Research Leader for the Characterization, Sensing, and Analytics Research Team, located mainly in the Materials State Awareness and Supportability Branch of the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory. The Research Team focuses on developing nondestructive and destructive materials/damage characterization methods. Before joining AFRL in 2006, Eric worked as the Director of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Sciences at SAIC Ultra Image, where he led efforts to develop and deploy advanced inspection methods for aerospace applications, including transitioning basic research to inspections used on USAF aircraft structures. Additional experience includes developing materials characterization and process monitoring/control methods using NDE technology. He has over 25 years experience in NDE research, development, transition, and deployment and earned a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.
Invited Presenter: Dr. William H. Prosser – NASA Langley Research Center
Presentation Title: In-Space Nondestructive Inspection
Dr. William H. Prosser, a NASA Technical Fellow, joined NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in 1987 as an Aerospace Technologist in the Nondestructive Evaluation Sciences Branch. In 2005, he joined the NASA Engineering and Safety Center as Discipline Expert for Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) and in 2007 was named a NASA Technical Fellow. He has served as technical lead and program manager for the research and application of NDE and Structural Health Management (SHM) systems for aerospace vehicles. Dr. Prosser’s research has been in the field of ultrasonic and acoustic emission sensing techniques. His work contributed to the successful development and implementation of a system to detect impacts on the Space Shuttle wing leading edge in response to the Shuttle Columbia accident. He has led NASA, industry, university and government agency teams to implement NDE and SHM systems for a variety of NASA programs including the Space Shuttle, International Space Station, X-33, and Aerospace Vehicle Systems Technology Program. Dr. Prosser was the 1997 recipient of the NASA Floyd Thompson Fellowship, a 2003 recipient of a NASA Superior Accomplishment Award for efforts during the Columbia Accident Investigation, and a 2005 recipient of NASA’s Exceptional Achievement Medal. He is past Chair and a Fellow of the Acoustic Emission Working Group and is also the Scientific Editor of Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal. Dr. Prosser has authored over 70 referenced publications and internal technical reports and has received four patents. He received his B.S. degree in Math and Physics from the College of William and Mary and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.